serve the community

How can I serve?

Discover all the ways you can serve the church and community whether on Saturdays or throughout the week.

  • VPC Worship aims to help people experience God and love others through the use of music in corporate gatherings. There are a variety of areas that work together to create the worship experience on Saturday mornings. If you are interested in participating as a musician or vocalist, please fill out the form.

  • Join the team who hosts and serves coffee, drinks, and snacks in the morning. This a fun and meaningful opportunity to help friends and guests build community.

  • We love our families and we need your help serving our families once a month for our Family Sabbath program. Because safety is our priority, we require all volunteers to go through a background check in order to serve.

  • Help us create a warm and welcoming experience for all of our guests. Opportunities to serve include:

    Set-Up Crew: this team arrives early to set up tables and chairs for Bible study and for the weekly meal downstairs. They help put tables and chairs away, and tidy up the church after use on Sabbath.

    Greeters: welcoming guests to VPC and creating a warm environment

    Food Team: join the rotation of families who cook once a month for all-church lunch. (Families are reimbursed for food purchases)

  • To ensure our kids and families learn in a healthy environment, we want to mitigate risks and dangers when we gather. Use the form if you would like to serve on the security team.

  • The worship experience cannot be done without quality work in the areas of sound, visuals, and livestream.

  • VPC Communities aim to create spaces for deeper relationships — playing sports, studying the Bible, hiking. If you would like to catalyze a group, let’s connect and make your vision a reality.

  • Prayer Gathering occurs every Wednesday at 7pm, but the opportunities for prayer are endless. If you would like to initiate a prayer practice, submit the form as a first step.

  • If you would like to help organize and set up a kid’s clothing ministry, fill out the form.

  • On Labor Day weekend, we will go to Cal Anderson Park to pass out socks, soup, and sandwiches to our houseless neighbors. Will you consider contributing food or serving with us?

  • VPC uses this fund to assist families in our congregation in times of need, and to support our friends in the city who are facing crisis.


Take a look at our missional partners to see what they’re doing in our community and ways you can serve and connect with our city, neighborhood, and schools.

Advent collegiate seattle

Location - Homes, Churches, and University Rooms
Serving - Seattle College and University Students

Advent Collegiate is a network of student-oriented communities in collaboration with Adventist Christian Fellowship (college clubs) and local Adventist Churches. It seeks to support students in their walk with Jesus.

seattle emergency hubs

Location - Volunteer Park Church (Board Room)
Serving - Capitol Hill Neighbors

A Seattle Community Emergency Hub is a pre-determined location where neighbors and community members are likely to gather to begin exchanging information and resources among themselves without outside assistance from City services. It has a core of trained volunteers with additional skills who can collect information on local situations, needs, and resources and assist in the allocation of resources to needs. Volunteer Park Church is the gathering location for monthly preparation and the hub for the North Capitol Hill area.


Location - Volunteer Park Church (Chapel)
Serving - Capitol Hill Neighbors

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.


Location - Volunteer Park Church (Chapel)
Serving - Capitol Hill Neighbors

In Debtors Anonymous, thousands of members from diverse backgrounds and circumstances have found strong and lasting recovery from the disease of compulsive debting.

Beginning with a commitment not to incur unsecured debt one day at a time, we work the 12 Steps and find a recovery beyond anything we had previously imagined possible.


Practice Prayer


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